Designated driver service (BOB driver)
Euro BOB is a designated driving service, which means that Euro BOB drivers bring you home with your own car. We can offer a last-minute service within the regions of Rotterdam, Amsterdam and Gouda.
How does it work?
Call us on 088-365 0808 and then we will deliver a BOB driver to your location. He drives you home in your own car and we will pick up the driver at the end location. If you order a BOB, we can deliver a driver within one hour.
Opening hours office*
Monday 08.00 AM – 01.00 AM
Tuesday 08.00 AM – 01.00 AM
Wednesday 08.00 AM – 01.00 AM
Thursday 08.00 AM – 01.00 AM
Friday 08.00 AM – 02.00 AM
Saturday 16.00 PM – 02.00 AM
Sunday 14.00 PM – 22.00 AM
* It is possible to order a driver until one hour before closing time.
What is the price?
You can use the tool on the homepage of our website to calculate the price.